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EU Chairs

Prim Manum

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My name is Prim, a Y12 student from Harrow International School. I am incredibly excited to chair the European Union alongside Poorvi and get acquainted with each and every one of you! This year will mark my fifth year of MUN-ning; I can’t express how glad I am to be back after the mundane quarantine period. Throughout this conference, I hope to instigate an exhilarating debate for every committee member as well as to witness the blossoming of your budding passion for MUN. If you are feeling unsure about anything, please do approach me, I will assist you as much as I can. Besides MUN, you may often find me dabbing my tears over heart-shattering Kdramas, bingeing addictive animes and engrossing myself in crime fiction or fantasy novels. I look forward to meeting new faces and see all of you stride confidently beyond your comfort zones!

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