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UNSC Chairs

Isabel Nyugen

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My name is Isabel and I am very excited to be chairing Security Council at this year’s BKKMUN! I am currently in Year 13 at Shrewsbury International School. This is my third and last year taking part in MUN, and am so proud to have seen such growth in these conferences- both in the participation and skill of so many delegates. Being a passionate advocate of so many social and environmental issues, I truly feel that MUN has become the ultimate platform to meet new people with similar passions and forge new friendships. However, it is at these conferences that you will be confronted with so many people with opposing beliefs. Being forced to acknowledge both sides of every argument and broaden one’s mindset is probably the most valuable aspect, I feel, that MUN conferences can provide a delegate. I hope to be able to facilitate and encourage fruitful discussion at this conference, as well as getting to know you all :)

Aaditi Bhandari

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Hello, honorable delegates! My name is Aaditi Bhandari and I am a sophomore at NIST international school of Thailand. It is my great pleasure to be chairing the United Nations Security Council committee for this year's BKK MUN. This is my 3rd year in MUN and 8th conference. Having been a delegate for three years now I am excited to be stepping up and chairing. I am confident that during this unprecedented time delegates will be more eager than ever to create resolutions that alleviate the numerous crises we are facing. I hope to extend my knowledge and experience while being able to guide a fruitful debate. Asides from MUN you can also find me playing football, guitar, or dancing during the weekends or after school. However, whether you are a newcomer to MUN or an experienced delegate I hope that this conference will be a memorable space for you all!

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